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Marketing eBook for Casual Dining Restaurants

Ebook with title Social Media Strategy for Casual Dining
Free ebook for casual dining restaurants

We've written a free, in-depth e-book for restaurant owners who offer casual dining. This helpful and comprehensive e-book provides valuable insights into marketing strategies for your casual dining establishment.

We've been in casual dining marketing for the last 5 years and have gained valuable experience in understanding the challenges unique to casual dining marketing, which differ significantly from fine dining or fast-food marketing.

We observed that Google reviews were more plentiful and much harsher for casual dining than in any other category. We wondered why this was, some factors were:

  1. More competition in this sector

  2. Higher expectations from budget conscious patrons

  3. Lower margins creates a challenge in offering monetary solutions for unhappy guests

  4. Usually a larger restaurant with more seating, is a challenge in catching complaints if guests are not vocal

Here are four ways to eliminate public negative one-star reviews:

  1. Understand value perception for your demographic and cater to those guests.

  2. Train your servers to anticipate issues before they arise and give them the tools to exceed the guest’s expectations.

  3. Have an invitation to a satisfaction survey on the back of your receipts with a $5 off coupon for their next visit.

  4. FOH Managers should visit every table during their shift and during the guest’s meal, looking for issues and politely asking specific questions if they sense a disgruntled guest.

If you enjoyed our marketing ebook for restaurants and are serious about your business growth, contact us to spearhead your restaurant marketing. We are experts in expansion!

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